Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s website ( The journal mostly consists of novel and innovated full length papers. Brief communications, letters to the editor, clinical outcomes, instrumentation design, bioethics, and new methodologies are also accepted for publication. The journal also publishes review articles that are invited by the either editorial board or the journal editors. Manuscripts that were published elsewhere should not submitted. The editors may consider publishing special issues containing a focused topic.

Manuscripts are to be submitted in grammatically correct English. Paper that do not meet this criteria will be returned by editor without being reviewed.


Title page. This should list the paper title, authors, affiliations for all authors, and email of corresponding author.

Abstract. The abstracts for review should include summary of the paper including Introduction, any new methods or procedures critical to the results of the study, and state the results and conclusions (maximum 400 words).

Keywords: At least six key words should be provide for indexing


Introduction- Describe the knowledge and literature that gave rise to the question examined by, or the hypothesis posed for the research.

Material and Methods- This section should describe the research design, the methods and materials used in the research (subjects, their selection, equipment, laboratory  or field procedures), and how the findings were analyzed. This section should also contain statements of approval from IRB or IACUC based on governmental regulations in your country.

ResultsThe text of the results should be a descriptive narrative of the main findings, of the reported study. This section should not list tabulated data in text form.  Reference to tables and figures included in this section should be made parenthetically in the text. All graphs and tables should not be embedded in the manuscript. Tables should be placed in a separate document with table titles and Figures in a separate document with Figure Legends. All pictures and illustrations should be submitted as TIFF or Jpeg with at least 300 dpi.

Tables. Tables must be typed double spaced, one table to a page, numbered consecutively, and placed at the end of the  manuscript. Since tables must be individually typeset, consolidation of data into the smallest number of tables is encouraged. A horizontal double underline should be made beneath the title of the table, and single underlines should be made the width of the table below the column headings and at the bottom of the table. Do not use vertical lines, and do not place horizontal lines in the interior of the table. Use footnotes, to clarify possible questions within the table, should be noted by asterisks, daggers, or other symbols to avoid confusion with numerical data. Tables should be referred to parenthetically in the text, for example (Table 1).

Figures and illustrations. Figures may be photographs, computer -generated drawings, or graphs and should be placed on separate pages and in a separate file and referenced in the appropriate place. All illustrations are referred to as “Figures” and must be numbered consecutively. Illustrations other than those generated by the author(s) must include permission for use and credit to the originator. Each figure must have a complete legend that is typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet which precedes the figures in the manuscript. Figures should be referred to parenthetically in the text, for example (Fig. 1).

Discussion- In this section compare and contrast the data collected in the study with that previously reported in the literature. Unless there are specific reasons to combine the two, as explained by the author in the letter of transmittal, Results and Discussion should be two separate sections.

Conclusions- A statement of overall conclusion from the work present or future plans based upon the data collected and presented.

Acknowledgments-All funded support should be listed in this section

References– The references in the text should be identified [Arabic number] and ordered in sequence. All references should be cited in AP format.

References should include: Author’s last or surname and initials; title of the article (capitalize the first word), abbreviated title of the journal; year of publication; volume; page numbers.



Doe J, Smith R, Black, D. Evaluation of Achilles’ tendon following a novel surgical repair method. Biomed. Sci. Instrument. 2004; Vol 45: 1-8.


Author, A. (date). Title of document [Format description]. Retrieved from http://URL

For a detailed review of APA Style please visit (

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest– Each author should submit a statement regarding their conflicts of interest. All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organization that could influence bias of their work. The authors should disclose any affiliation with organizations or subject matter (all sources of funding, leadership roles, patents and/or patent applications, paid expert testimony, honoraria, ownership, stock options, etc) that could be seen as potential conflict of interest. If there are no conflicts of interest the author must state that there are no conflicts of interest.

List all Funding Sources that contributed to the work in the manuscript in the Acknowledgment section.

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